Halifax International French School

Family Support

Reception and homework help

LIFPA has a team that is committed to students and families.

The fee is a flat rate regardless of the time of departure of the student. He goes home with his homework done.

Special needs students

At LIFPA we believe that every student is unique and competent.

A coordinator for students with special educational needs, an expert in inclusive education, will be appointed before the start of the 2024 school year to ensure the necessary accommodations for students who need them: learning, physical and/or mental health, socialization… (non-exhaustive list)

We are committed to nurturing your children’s unique talents!

Methodological support

Methodological support adapted to each level will be offered to our students throughout their schooling in various forms:

  • Group methodology lessons during a dedicated hour in class.
  • Develop work tools for better organization, synthesis and planning.
  • Offer students memorization methods adapted to their profile
  • Discussions with teachers are organized to identify students in difficulty and offer them individualized support over one or more sessions.
  • At each class council meeting, a review is carried out to identify the needs of each student and to set up personalized support.

Developing oral skills

All teachers support progress in the acquisition of oral skills:

  • Verbal communication (elocution, flow, vocabulary, etc.)
  • Non-verbal communication (attitude, posture, etc.)
  • Quality of interaction (taking the audience into account, etc.)

Helping you choose your path

Numerous measures will be put in place to support our students in their choice of career path, particularly in grades 10-11 and 12:

  • Follow-up and one-to-one interviews with teachers
  • School library searches on specialized platforms
  • Support in preparing dossiers for universities
  • Rendezvous: professionals talk about their professions