Awarded by a jury, the brevet is a diploma certifying the knowledge and skills acquired at the end of secondary school. It brings together all the knowledge, skills, values and attitudes needed to succeed in school, as an individual and as a future citizen.
The French baccalauréat is an internationally recognized diploma for the rigor and quality of its teaching. It marks the end of secondary school and gives access to higher education.
Students follow common courses, their chosen specialties and, if they wish, optional courses.
At the end of seconde, students choose a combination of 3 specialties to follow in première (4h/week for each specialty).
At the end of Première, they choose from among the 3 specialties they have taken, the 2 courses they wish to continue in Terminale (6h/week), and up to 2 options (3h each).
In 3 years, you can prepare for a double diploma: the French Baccalauréat and its American equivalent, the High School Diploma. The courses are online and in English with American teachers on extra-curricular time. The student is also accompanied by an English-speaking French coordinator.
This diploma certifies a good level of English and facilitates entry into higher education in France, North America and abroad.
7071 Bayers Road, Suite 141, Halifax, Nova Scotia, B3L 2C2